Redwood Scholars Tuition

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Home Schooling
Montessori at work
Montessori Education for Home Schooled Students - Doncaster
We work in partnership with parents to provide classes for students age 6 to 13 who are home-educated.   Our classes are based on Montessori principles and aimed at the education of the whole child in a mixed aged group.  
Children attending our morning sessions learn, develop their interest and independence.  Students have an opportunity to progress in English, Maths, History, Geography, History, Science and Arts.
We provide children with the opportunity to learn in a community as well as support their individual educational goals. Children have access to a broad range of academic activities and are encouraged to develop their leadership, teamwork, planning, priority and decision making skills.
Monday to Thursday, 9:30AM to 1:30PM, term time only.
Suitable for ages 6 to 13
Minimum attendance: 2 sessions per week
2 sessions per week:   £80/week
3 sessions per week:   £120/week
4 sessions per week:   £140/week
Fees are payable monthly in advance for term time weeks only.
Two weeks’ notice of termination is required.
We are accepting applications for Autumn Term 2023:  4th September until 22nd December.
Phone and book a visit to discuss how we can support your child’s home education.
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