Dyslexia Screening

Dyslexia Screening and Tutoring
Available to students age 7 and above
At Redwood Scholars Tuition we provide a dyslexia screening to help identify areas of concern and develop support programme that addresses individual needs of your child with dyslexic tendencies.
There are so many elements that make a proficient English language user: from phonics (sounds) and their corresponding grapheme (letters), word blending, sight words, punctuation, reading for meaning (comprehension). Then, when it comes to writing it all down, students need to engage their hand-eye co-ordination to form letters, whilst thinking about the purpose of their writing, constructing varied sentences with adjectives, adverbs, clauses and subordinate clauses.... The skills required can be
a minefield, and many children have difficulties grasping these concepts.
Sometimes there may be a specific learning difficulty which is preventing a student from making the progress we would usually expect - this is when identifying and addressing the dyslexic tendencies become so important.
The GL Dyslexia Screening test administrated at our centre checks the following areas of a child's development:
- Visual Word Memory
- Auditory Sequential Memory
- Visual Sequential Memory
- Processing Speed
- Phonological Awareness
- Working Memory
The screening takes about 45 minutes (including feedback) and is done outside our normal tutoring sessions. A computer-generated report is provided. You don't have to be Redwood Scholar's client to make an appointment.
If you think your child could benefit from the dyslexia screening, please get in touch and book your Dyslexia Screening Appointment here.